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-Carola Mittag
Having just come out of the Labour Day weekend, I thought I’d share with you something I discovered on a recent trip to Toronto. I had been invited out for lunch and was to meet my stepdaughter and step-granddaughters on Front Street. As usual, I was early and took a walk around the block when I came to the WSIB Head Office in Simcoe Place. I had no idea that WSIB Simcoe Park existed.

So, instead of writing a lengthy Blog this month, I thought I’d share with you the following plaques which are a memorial to real people who tragically lost their lives in workplace accidents. I have only included a sampling of the 100 workers memorialized. This sampling demonstrates that workplace accidents do not discriminate between age, gender, occupation, or types of accidents.

In each case, a person died leaving behind a spouse, a sibling, a parent, or a child. They went to work on the morning of their deaths never dreaming that they would not see their loved ones again.

Gallery – 100 Worker Monument Simcoe Park, Toronto Ontario.

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As I stood reading each plaque, I was amazed and pleased to see how many people stopped and took the time to read the stories. Those memorialized have left a legacy however brief and tragic. May you and your families be spared that pain and loss in order to leave a happy and lasting legacy.



Watch for next month’s Blog published in the first week of October.


Carola Mittag

Consultant and Editor for Mentor Safety Consultants Inc.