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We all got something for free the first time, just by showing up at birth. Now we have to qualify.

–  Carola Mittag

Having just watched Back to the Future I for the umpteenth time, it was interesting to see how Marty, the trilogy’s hero, reacted to meeting his parents before he was born and actually playing a role in bringing them together so that he could be born. In his case he didn’t just show up at his birth, he orchestrated it.

If we could orchestrate first our own births, and then the direction our lives take, the world would be a vastly different place. Up until a point in our lives when we begin to understand and take control, we very much depend on others to look out for us. As we learn, mature and gain experiences, our lives are qualified by our own actions or inactions.

This holds true in personal relationships and in our working and workplace relationships. Our personal relationships are qualified and guided by emotions, feelings and passions which take on a life of their own. Our workplace relationships are borne of a necessity to financially survive and to support those we care for and love.

Workplace relationships are of a different kind. Because of roles, titles and designations, qualifying our place in the workplace takes time, education and training. The ultimate goal is working as a unified team to create a sustainable and profitable business. This is not possible when workers do not feel appreciated or safe because there is a disconnect between workplace parties.

At this time of year when there is a spirit of generosity and giving and of renewal and goal-setting, I would suggest that everyone in the workplace, owners, managers and workers, evaluate how they are qualifying their positions and most importantly making the workplace better and safer for themselves and others. Everyone has a role in orchestrating their future.

Mentor Safety Consultants Inc. (MSCI) would like to help facilitate the health and safety journey for companies by making it more easily achievable and, in the end, adding to the bottom line through health and safety initiatives. Whether the goal is to have:

  • Joint health and safety committee members certified
  • Workers certified in working at heights training, or
  • Reducing WSIB premiums by participating in the WSIB Excellence Program

MSCI, is an approved Ontario Chief Prevention Office and WSIB provider for all these programs and is ready to assist companies to orchestrate their future health and safety compliance goals.

While compliance with Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) health and safety legislation may be the driver for contacting us, we know that understanding and committing to the safety of your workers will result in happier, appreciative and committed employees.

Watch for next month’s Blog published in the first week of January 2021.


Carola Mittag

Past President, Workplace Safety Group

Consultant and Editor for Mentor Safety Consultants Inc.