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Saying Goodbye/Hello

-Carola Mittag
How quickly this year has passed and what changes it has brought. I believe that we have all heard quite enough about the Covid pandemic and yet, it is not done with us. I recently picked up the latest CAA Magazine’s winter issue and read one of their submissions entitled A Time of Hope – The Bright Side of a Dark Time.

Certainly, I feel sympathy for anyone directly affected by a Covid-related illness or death of a loved one and who can probably not see the “bright side” right now. I can only imagine their pain and loss.

Still, I would like to talk about coming out of the darkness by referring to the positives identified in the CAA article:

  1. A greater appreciation for the outdoors
  2. A slower pace of life
  3. New ways to connect and learn
  4. Improved air quality
  5. Collaboration across borders
  6. Resilient relationships

All of us, while having to navigate new paths, have been affected by one or more of the above positives. I gave this a lot of thought and have put an optimistic spin on the word PANDEMIC to turn it into a personal positive.

P – plan

A – a

N- new

D- direction, design, delight, dimension (you choose or substitute here)

E – every

M – moment

I – I

C – can

“Plan a new direction every moment I can”

In other words, I am going to make the most of every opportunity, occasion, or prospect that comes my way. It is my choice to remain positive and enjoy the journey because, as we’ve all heard, that is what living is all about; after all the final destination brings us all to the same end.

As I say goodbye to this year, I think about all the goodbyes that I had to say: to a very good school friend who was only 68, to my father who was blessed to live to 96, to a personal relationship that was so promising at first but was wrong for me in the end.

I am looking toward the new year optimistically because, as I said in my first blog of 2021 entitled WHITE, “as we embark on 2021, it is a blank or ‘white’, unmarked path/canvas where every action (or inaction) will leave a mark”.

My plan is to colour 2022 with a cheerful heart, an optimistic outlook, good health, meaningful relationships with friends and family, and empathy. So, as I say goodbye to 2021 with some sadness, I say hello to 2022 enthusiastically.

I am grateful for your continued loyalty to me and to the entire Mentor Safety Team as we leave 2021 behind and look forward to our continued relationships in the coming year. I invite you all along on this new year’s journey and wish you, dear readers, the very merriest of holidays and a joyful, satisfying and safe 2022.


Watch for next month’s Blog published in the first week of January.


Carola Mittag

Consultant and Editor for Mentor Safety Consultants Inc.